About this website

You will find some information about me and some links to resources, tools, and projects I have been working on. However, at present, this website does not contain everything about research and : it is still a iwork-in-progress.

I am a researcher whose work is based on textual criticism and digital humanities. I am always interested in working on interdisciplinary projects and exploring several methods in computer science.

I has been involved in anti-racist and feminist activism for many years, developing my interest the in construction of online identities.

Relevant news

published 2020

Che cos'è un'edizione scientifica digitale, Carocci, Roma

The book was co-authered by Elena Pierazzo. The book is a conceptual and methodological map of new textual scholarship theories and practices developed in the digital environment. The book presents a cartography of the digital scholarly editing landscape developed in Italy and abroad since the 1940s. It offers the reader some essential tools to evaluate, understand, and interpret this still an emerging field within the Digital humanities and underpins its advantages, limits, and challenges for the future.

Relevant Projects


Magica Leantina

Magica Leantina

“Magica Levantina (ML)” aims at the edition of mainly unpublished Greek magical texts from towns in the Levant in the late Roman Imperial and early Byzantine periods. Most of the texts are curses inscribed on sheets of lead but also some protective charms inscribed on sheets of gold and silver. Tecnhical issues: the software was built with ExistDB, written in Xquery and Xslt (and some js). Images were digitised in RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging). In order, to support the encoding of the transcriptions and translations, an editor was built within the software. It was such a fun working on this project!\ The repository is still private but if you are curious about some of the components I made just drop me an email.