digital text

XML and TEI material

Here you can find the slides

Project Guideline

The final project will be a representation of digital scholarly edition and/or distant reading methods. This will include:

A document where you describe the theoretical assumptions you made and the structure of your project. Make sure you clarify your research questions in this document, such as through a section entitled, “My research question”. Make sure you answer the following questions: what message would you expect to deliver? How will you organise your content? Does your model fit with your research question?

A webpage on your GitHub repository with a structure and a map of content that follows the idea described in the document - Examples:

If you use XSLT or Xquery:

- The script in GitHub

you use IIIF:

- A manifest for the description of the images, also on the basis of the model indicated.

A viewer (either Mirador or Open Sea Dragon or both) embedded in the website in one or more pages.

you use Text Analysis:

If you are working together with other colleagues, we would like to have a clear acknowledgement of your work throughout ‘comments’ you might use for any computer language and also in the documentation or in a possible ‘about’ on the Website.